Business Lessons From The Surfboard

Business Lessons From the Surfboard is an insightful article written by Sarah Valentini, co-founder of radius financial group inc. Check out the snippet below or click here to read the article in its entirety from

When I ventured to Costa Rica for surf camp, my only real goal was to avoid serious injury. Surfing is a sport that looks a lot easier than it is. It requires physical and mental concentration. The waves come up so fast, it is hard to think about anything other than what you are told to do. I never expected to walk away with a fresh perspective that I could bring back to the office, but, these simple lessons are a great reminder.

Safety First. Before you can even think about getting on a surfboard, you have to learn of all the perils, including death! Learning to avoid them is the first lesson. Business can be cut-throat and sometimes it can be tempting to take shortcuts or look the other way. It is never worth it. Make sure your foundation is solid and that you never compromise safety.

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Dustin DeMeritt